Frequently Asked Questions

Please have a look through our FAQ’s

or read our full T & C’s here.

How much is an afternoon timeless tea experience?

The cost of a Timeless Teas dining experience starts at £45 per person and is entirely dependent on your requirements.  Please contact Suzanne for an informal chat.

When are you open?

Throughout the year from early Spring, through the Summer months and into late Autumn 2024 we will be open from 12.00 – 6.00pm Thursday to Sunday.  Simply complete the online form below with suggested dates, or ring for availability.

Can you cater for allergies or intolerances?

At the time of booking, menus will be discussed, to establish whether there are any food allergies or dietary requirements within your group.  Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate them, please be aware that the cakes and bakes I choose to prepare, are by their very nature, old fashioned traditional recipes and therefore not usually nut, dairy or gluten free.

Unfortunately supply issues around sourcing high quality alternative gluten free ingredients on an irregular basis is neither cost effective or easy to achieve for a small business. 

Where do you serve the teas?

Timeless Teas are beautifully served on an array of pretty mismatched English china and vintage linen tablecloths in the garden room of our beautifully secluded garden.  The room is just as you would imagine, if you stepped back in time.  Please look at out gallery to see what you can expect.

How many people can you accommodate?

There is a minimum booking requirement of four guests and we can serve up to a maximum of 8-10 people comfortably in the garden room. Larger parties can still be accommodated, but the additional seating will be added just outside on the veranda under a parasol.

Do you serve alcohol?

We do not currently have an alcohol licence here at Applebees but you are very welcome to bring along your own bottle of bubbles. There is a standard charge per bottle to cover corkage and the use of champagne flutes.

How will I know that I've been booked in?

All afternoon teas must be pre-booked and paid for in advance. Once full payment is received a confirmation email will be sent to validate the booking.

Please go to our bookings page to start your initial enquiry .

Do you have parking?

Guests are required to park in the centre of the village and walk to the property as there is limited parking space available at Applebees. We can make separate arrangements for anybody with mobility issues and Blue Badge holders .

What should I wear?

Whatever you like!

However, in order to access the garden dining room guests will have to navigate a fairly steep pebbled driveway and cross a lawn. Therefore I strongly advise against wearing high heeled shoes due to the differing terrains.

If it is wet and rainy on the day of your booking I will ask you to wear disposable overshoes just whilst you cross the lawn in order to protect your footwear but also the internal floor covering in the garden room. I will be able to accommodate coats and umbrellas in a separate area whilst you enjoy your afternoon tea.

What if I need to cancel?

Please contact me as soon as you know you are not be able to honour your booking. Up to 72 hours before your booked date, I will endeavour to offer an alternative date. Everything served is freshly homemade and therefore if you do need to cancel within 72 hours of the booked date, regrettably you will be fully charged. 

What if something gets broken?

It is accepted that sadly breakages may occur when our beautiful vintage china is used. I am constantly sourcing additional items to add to my collection, and whilst this is a very enjoyable pastime, it is also time consuming and costly, so I do have to operate with a breakages tariff.

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